PolyCan Portable Urinal

PolyCan Portable Urinal
PJ PART NO : PK01-1000

The PolyCan™ Portable Urinal

PolyJohn’s PolyCan is the perfect solution wherever a traditional portable restroom isn’t an option and a portable urinal is necessary.

The PolyCan™ Portable Urinal

PolyJohn’s PolyCan is the perfect solution wherever a traditional portable restroom isn’t an option and a portable urinal is necessary.

The PolyCan offers unparalleled portability due to its lightweight construction and rubber-treaded wheels. The unit weighs just over 16 pounds when empty and 109 pounds when full. It measures 35” high, 15.5” wide, and 21” deep, making it easy to transport and store. The holding tank has a capacity of 11 gallons. The PolyCan is designed for easy cleaning and has a 3” port on the back for pump-out.

For high-rise construction projects and similar applications where an alternative to a portable restroom unit is needed, the PolyCan Portable Urinal is a versatile and convenient option.

Features include:

  • Mobile urinal
  • Light weight and versatile
  • Convenient product to offer customers
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